As students of UNC Chapel Hill from several different backgrounds we have created this blog in order to connect health and fitness to student life. For reasons different for each of us, health and fitness play an important part of our lifestyles. The purpose of this blog is to educate college students about the pertinence of health and fitness in maintaining well-balanced lifestyles while connecting it to our studies of English composition and rhetoric. In order to show multiple opinions on common issues we will explore the humanities, social sciences and behavioral science as they relate to health and fitness. The following authors will be contributing to this blog.

My name is Thomas Simon and I am a second semester freshman. I volunteer at New Hope Fire Department on weekends and on some days after class. At any moment at the station a call may be paged out for a fire, accident or EMS call. As a volunteer fireman, it is important to stay physically fit and healthy in order to work safely at these scenes. I bike for at least an hour 3 days a week and split the rest of the week in the gym to prevent injury while working in the fire service.

My name is Jordan McCrary and I am a second semester freshman. I

grew up in Marietta, Georgia. As a UNC student-athlete I find that health and fitness are important on campus. I am a member of the Men’s Soccer team. I have practice every day so being healthy and fit come second nature to me. Practice consists of playing for about 2 hours not including our workouts in the gym that we have before. I would like to be an Physical Therapist so my major is Exercise Sports Science. This topic is pretty interesting to me and I’m sure the majority of students on campus would agree.

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