Kim goes into detail on the little aspects of the great artist. She explains how Leonardo had two little notebooks that he would keep is drawing in when he travelled. One was used to focus on the world of nature, animals, and human beings. The other one was used to pay more attention to focused on the man-made world which consists of machines, fortifications, and inventions. “Although Leonardo is typically called a universal man, it was mainly as an artist that he was known and then mainly in terms of a handful of masterpieces such as Mona Lisa and the Last Supper”( Veltman,3). It is amusing to realize how he is such an artist that he “idealizes scenes”(Veltman,3) in a way that portrays him to be the kind of person that would have loved to use a digital camera as he travelled to the different countries perhaps. The author claims that the influence that Leonardo had one the art culture is how much of the Renaissance developed. The Renaissance was a period of growth in the artistic world. This was a time period where imagination and innovation expanded upon many individuals and expressions where seen through paintings and other forms of similar works of art.
The points that Kim Veltman made about Leonardo da Vinci make me believe that he was an inspiration to the whole art culture. In fact far more is known about his thought and the great range of his mind than of the events and circumstances of his life, especially its early stages. His impact on the Italian Renaissance was crucial enough to impact the world. Her whole article depicts the side of Leonardo da Vinci being a great artist. In the article it also explains how other painters also believe in the impact that Kim has portrayed.
In conclusion, Leonardo da Vinci was a great painter and played a huge role in influencing others to bring new ideas to art. Without da Vinci, the Italian Renaissance may not have become of anything. I assume that Kim Veltman must have been personally influenced by Leonardo’s paintings because of the way she speaks about his work with such grace and honor.
Works Cited
Veltman, Kim H. "Leonardo Da Vinci: A Review." Leonardo 41.4 (2008): 381-388. Academic
Search Premier. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.
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